Friday, 9 December 2011

Ideas for CD Cover

I experimented with the brickwall idea by staging a photo of Ella behind a brickwall to se whether the concept worked. I then experimented on Photoshop by using different effects behind the brickwall which generated some ideas as orginally I thought the brickwall was going to be plain. I separated Ella from the background by cutting around her using the Magentic Lasso Tool this then enabled me to change the colour of just the background instead of the whole picture. By putting Ella on a new layer I could then just focus on the background as that was on a separate layer. By going on image then looking at adjusements I was able to change the colour, the balance, stauration and shadowed effects. Above shows what I created although I may not use them for the actual CD Cover I liked the idea of a colourful background.

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